Guiding Your Professional Growth


As an Integrative Psychological Therapist (BACP Accred.) and CPCAB Clinical Supervisor with decades of experience providing a therapeutic service in a variety of settings, I specialise in working with adults, adolescents, children and young people. 

Whether conducting individual or group supervision, I pride myself on fostering an empowering environment where you can confidently explore your clinical skills and address challenges openly.

Through our regular meetings, I aim to help you integrate your intuitive capabilities within your clinical model. We will delve into the dynamics between you and your clients, uncovering what each session teaches you.

I’ll strive to make each session engaging, informative and supportive, while authentically adhering to a coherent supervision framework that employs a range of methods and interventions. 

As a supervisor in counselling and psychotherapy, I find great fulfilment in nurturing the professional growth of both aspiring therapists and seasoned counsellors.

Utilising the ‘Seven-Eyed’ Supervision Model, we will shift between various focal points of therapy, considering perspectives that may not be immediately apparent. This approach enhances your awareness of the diverse factors influencing your clients, focusing on where to look rather than what to look for.

We will focus on

  • Professional Development

    Whether refining your counselling techniques, navigating ethical dilemmas, or exploring new learning avenues, I'll provide the feedback and resources to help you grow.

  • Collaborative Case Consultation

    Together, we'll tackle challenging cases in depth. I'll provide insights, alternative perspectives, and effective strategies to help you deliver the best possible care for your clients.

  • Promoting Personal Growth

    In our sessions, I'll encourage you to reflect on your values, beliefs, biases, and reactions to clients. This self-awareness will enhance your effectiveness as a counsellor, fostering deeper connections and empathy.

  • I have been working under Cinda’s supervision for the past few years since I started my training placement working with children and young adults. Cinda has been an incredible source of guidance, experience and wisdom, and she just gets me. Under her care and guidance, I went from being an anxious and uncertain trainee to a successful psychotherapist with growing confidence in her skills and abilities. I am in private practice now, and can’t imagine doing any of this without Cinda!

    — Sally

  • Over the last few months, I have been lucky enough to be part of a supervision group that Cinda supervises, and I have also had one-to-one meetings with her. I have always found Cinda to be curious and generous in the thoughts, references and knowledge she shares as we consider myself, my roles and the potential inner experiences of my clients and those of my peers. I am confident that my own self-care and the support I offer others is enhanced and will continue to be due to the support that Cinda has given me.

    — Sam

  • Cinda is a fabulous supervisor; she thinks fast on her feet and often has a great metaphor to help you understand the theory better. Cinda is warm, kind, funny and knowledgeable. She is very congruent in her work, which can really help develop self-awareness faster. Cinda will help you to identify your patterns and see when they are surfacing again. She is very professional and flexible in her working approach. I would absolutely recommend Cinda, especially for those with an interest in attachment style, addiction and grief.

    — Ruby

Fees & Availability

For maximum flexibility, I offer tailored availability to meet your needs. With mutual arrangement, sessions can be conducted via Zoom, Teams, phone, in person, or through a combination of these methods.

Supervision fees begin at £55 per hour or part thereof.